The show ran for 3,599 episodes until it was cancelled in 2001 due to declining viewership and a failed attempt at modernizing the format in the final year. The show's announcers during the run of the program were Ole Jacobsen, then Henrik Hannibal and later, Dennis Johannesson. The letter-turning co-hosts were Carina Jensen and Maria Hirse. This is quick 10-second clip of Wheel of Fortune promoting 'Best Friends Week' from Las Vegas in 2001 This video is for Entertainment & Non-Profit purposes only No copyright infringement is intended.
The final season in 2001 season was hosted by Lars Herlow. Syndication, Pat Sajak, Vanna White, Charlie ODonnell, Best Friends Week, Las Vegas. Thereafter, the show was hosted by Bengt Burg from 1989 to 2000, with a short stint by Keld Heick during the 1996-1997 season.
The host during the first season was Michael Meyerheim with Pia Dresner as the letter-turning co-host. In later years the format was changed to reflect the American version of all-cash winnings. The show originally used the 'shopping' format of the American program in which winnings were used to buy studios prizes, such as furniture, appliances, and trips.
Airing in 1988, the show was the first big American game show to be imported to Denmark and it was one of the first successes for Danish broadcaster TV2 when it became Denmark's second TV channel in 1988. Dartmouth 2001 Johnson 70 hp outboard complete parts motor best reasonable. Lykkehjulet is the Danish version of the Wheel of Fortune television game show. 2PCS SEA RAY SEARAY SCRIPT CHROME EMBLEM BADGE BOAT LOGO 12-3/4 NEW USA.